Friday 23 June 2017

Being liberal.....

Just having consent with queen movie does not give you a tag of being liberal. Liberation is about live and let live ....It’s a matter of freedom and freedom here means having option of making choices. It’s about living life on your own terms; it’s about letting other be what they want to be, it’s about being non judgmental (now this is again a learning ). If people around you are under 18 then I can understand your concern though they also don’t want interference anymore....

Choices are again individual decisions and these things give no right to anyone to conclude or comment about individuals or characters. Assessing people based on our own experiences and thought process should not be permitted. Categorising caste, status, creed, habits, choices and life is unfair..........Let everyone breathe...core context of life is about being blissful......try to be happy and make people around you happy else karma is always it.......