while surfing internet I found a new word textrovert. Further its meaning
tickled my grey matter more.
(n) means a person who feels more comfortable talking over text than to your
So now if you can’t propose her or complain her on face, don’t worry you have a category to fall in. You can type whatever you want to say and text… so easy na…Now what about the truthfulness of eyes and the long pauses. For this I think emoji (emotives) and stickers can do the favors. Where to go man, cyber law says if a girl finds my emotional expression offensive she can sue you and here I am “A Textrovert”…Huh….Now you can explain your status to everyone and anyone through a text. So now onwards all the famous theories on personality types have to go for an up gradation. And where our society will slot this new jargon like, it used to accept male as extroverts and female are expected to behave introvert. What to do with textrovert?? Well let the psychologist do their work till then I am happy texting my hubby ……….”pls TV ki awaj kum kar Lo”….